
A Classics Reading Challenge

A 52 book Classics Reading Challenge full of novels from Jane Austen, Leo Tolstoy, The Bronte Sisters, and many more! 

This past year I set a goal to read 52 classic books by the time I turn 30. Well, I turn 29 in December so that gives me a little over one year to finish it up and I'm afraid I'll need every minute to finish off this list. Once I picked up Middlemarch I started to think this may have been a bit of an aggressive goal ha! I shared all of this on Instagram Stories a few months ago, but realized that I never shared it here so it seemed like a great time to give an update!

Many of you wanted the list for yourself so sign up below to receive a printable version for yourself! I actually keep one copy on my phone and then a laminated copy so I can physically check them off along the way... So satisfying! I'd love to know how many you've already read or if there are any others that I should keep in mind for the future!


Free Printable: A Classics Reading Challenge


Books I have checked off:

  1. Pride & Prejudice
  2. The Great Gatsby
  3. Moby-Dick
  4. The Canterbury Tales
  5. Emma
  6. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  7. The Art of War
  8. Little Women
  9. Gulliver's Travels
  10. Sense & Sensibility
  11. The Odyssey


Currently on: Middlemarch and The Beautiful & Damned

Finished: 11

Left to Read: 41


Yikes, I better get to it! To be fair, I didn't make the list until May of this year so to knock of 11 in 6 months while reading other books isn't too bad I guess. 

P.S. These are the gorgeous books in the photo! Influenced by Kate Middleton's desk, of course. 




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